
A Story Behind Truth Beauty Freedom & Love: A Conversation with DD Starr

And what the Bohemian Revolution feels like in the Age of Aquarius

I rewatched Moulin Rouge a couple of years ago… and there was a scene that stuck out to me. Actually wait, hold on - let me define my movie NLP / definition here. Moulin Rouge is a movie directed by Baz Luhrmann and stars Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor (aka Obi Wan Kenobi). The story is a love story between a writer named Christian and a courtesan and performer at the Moulin Rouge. It takes place at the turn of the century between 1899 and 1900; and poor writer Christian has just moved to Paris France to be a part of the Bohemian Revolution. And what are the themes of this revolution? Why…






And above all things - love. Love truly is the most powerful force in the universe. When I heard this again, I was reminded of the themes in stories that really make them powerful; that allow them to be part of your personal mythos.

So I am so pleased to share this conversation with my beautiful friend and dancer DD Starr - who actually visited the real Moulin Rouge (because it is also a real place, that has been around since the last turn of the century.) We share stories of what musical stories impacted who we are as women today; as creators and those who realize that life is a wonderful fantastic show.